Ojika, a small island in Nagasaki, is a runner's paradise. There are plenty of well-maintained roads and paths winding their way throughout the island, but hardly any cars. The island has a low population of around 2,200 people currently, which means you'll only intermittently pass locals who are bound to greet you.
I find that going on a run each day helps me feel happy, fulfilled, and optimistic. Even though I know this is the case, it can be a bit difficult to get out the door sometimes when my warm bed is so inviting to just relax inside. However, on Ojika, the sunsets and ocean views make it absolutely worth it to head out the door. I often have to stop and admire the beauty of the sky when I head out in the evening - it certainly helps with motivation!
Starting my run at around 4:30 or 5:00 PM allows me to enjoy a huge expanse of clouds and colors in the sky in various shades of orange, pink, yellow. Sometimes even purple, when the pink of the clouds mix with the blue of the vast open backdrop.

Most days lately, as it's been getting colder and colder, the locals ask me: 寒くないですか? "Samukunai, desu ka?" "Aren't you cold?" I find that running, even in the cold November air, heats me up quite quickly! So, I assure them that I'm completely okay.
As a self-confessed introvert, I can sometimes feel a bit self-conscious when running in popular beautiful locations. However, Ojika is a beautiful place featuring so many perfect running paths, without many people everywhere to disturb your meditative experience. Plus, the people you do pass are so friendly and kind that you'll be glad you saw them!
Most days, I head off out among the rice fields and jog past a few cows happily grazing. I wind along the paths and see crows flying above me in the colorful sky, and sometimes a few herons will be startled by my footsteps and take flight as I pass the pond near the end of my route.
Sometimes I head to the local grocery store and purchase a "kaki," (otherwise known to me as a persimmon), to enjoy on my walk back home as a post-run snack. I can always find one that is perfectly ripe, soft, and almost syrupy and candy-like in flavour. It's a perfect way to end an evening.
Since I've mainly enjoyed going on runs around where I've been living on Ojika island, I'm looking forward to going on a longer trail run to some of the landmarks that I've visited on my long walk across the island, or my bicycle trips. With its soft hills, vast open spaces, and inviting paths featuring shrines and other landmarks, you're never sure what you'll find around the next corner. For me, that's the perfect recipe for an adventurous running afternoon!
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