Wednesday, April 24, 2019

All the colours of the rainbow on Ojika...

 Ojika is an island full of beauty, and one thing that might perhaps get overlooked is the gorgeous array of flowers you can see every day no matter where you walk. Without immediately realising it, seeing every colour of the rainbow in these flowers every day makes us feel happier inside, I'm sure of it. Please enjoy the gorgeous array of flowers I found on Ojika, and Hana's happy face surrounded by beautiful sakura!

-Abbie / アビー

Day in the life - Workaway - Ojika, Japan. 長崎県五島列島小値賀島、離島で島体験、外国人が感じた田舎

About Our Youtube Channel!

If you've been reading the blog and are interested in getting to know even more about Ojika, we have a wonderful Youtube page full of various videos about the island, the people and the experiences you can have when visiting! Just recently I made a 'Day in the Life' vlog about what a typical day volunteering on Ojika looks like, so if you fancy please give it a watch!

In the video we visit the beach, a very cute cafe, explore the countryside and even go to karaoke (without the audio, don't worry)!

Give this video a watch and share it with your friends- we wan't as many people to learn about the beauty and fun to be had on Ojika Island! :)

The link for our youtube channel is :

There's plenty of different vids to watch, so please browse at your leisure!

Shimayado Goen INN
何もない田舎、離島 歩いて、自転車で巡って
島の何でもないライフを感じてもらう 彼らにとっては、貴重な経験、体験
世界中からやってくる、島宿御縁ヘルパーのみんなに満足してもらい 彼らから、毎日、小値賀島の素晴らしさを教えてもらってます。
何に興味を持つか? 小値賀島は全てが資源の宝庫 田舎らしさ、 島らしさが 世界中の人の興味の対象になると思ってます。

Saturday, April 6, 2019


A Trip To Kakinohama Beach! 

Ojika is an island overwhelmingly full of beauty- gorgeous flowers, hidden hiking trails and impressive views of other islands far across the sea. But I would have to argue that my absolute favourite spots of beauty are Ojika's selection of picturesque beaches. Kakinohama is one such beach and on a particularly sunny Thursday afternoon we decided to take a group trip and show our new arrival Azusa just how gorgeous it is! Also, our mother hen Alice was leaving the island very soon and was desperate to get a swim in the sea before she left (even if it was still quite breezy). The weather forecast said the day would reach a high of 18 degrees and so after work we grabbed our bikes and headed out... 


Having somehow made it to the beach in one piece (I am not very good on a bike and had a few near-death experiences) we took a quick group picture- ofc- doing our yoga poses by the sea in tribute to our lovely yoga teacher Alice.


as you can see, we are yoga experts... 上手だね〜笑

Although the day felt warm, the thought of swimming in the sea was still a bit daunting (it was only the 3rd of April after all) so without further procrastination, we all stripped off and ran in!


It was really really cold! But it was very refreshing and once we started to swim properly our bodies adjusted to the temperature.


Alice-sensei finally got her swim in the sea! やっとアリスさんが海泳ぎできた!

All five of us got in and managed to have a proper swim; it was lovely, even though at one point we thought we might be getting stung by tiny baby jellyfish. 


'Are these jellyfish going to kill us?' 「 猛毒くらげかな〜」
This is the Alice pose. We love the Alice pose almost as much as we love Alice. アリスの一番好きなポーズだ!<3 

So after proving something to ourselves having swum in the sea, we got out and hit the sand for some sunbathing, reading our books and just chilling out. 


Oh yeah, and people did some yoga on the sand too... 砂の上でヨーガもやった。。

Overall it was a bloomin' gorgeous day, full of sun and happy times... We all left with a very big smile on our faces! 一緒に日光浴をしたり楽しんだりした最高の日だった。

Big smile 1 新しいボランティアのアズサさんが嬉しいね!

Big smile 2 で、もちろん賢一さんもハッピーだった!

Make sure if you're in Ojika that you visit this beautiful beach!! I mean, why wouldn't you?? Just look at it!!!


ーAbbie / アビー

How to get to Kakinohama beach from our INN Goen by 2017 in summer.  


Friday, April 5, 2019

Sakura on Ojika

It is the beginning of April, Sakura time has started all over Japan. So what do you do? You go to do some Hanami, flower-watching. Here on Ojika island you can find a lot of great spots to do so.

To begin, we decided to check out the trees on and around Bandake- mountain, which is easy to reach on foot in about 30 minutes from the Island Inn. There is a street leading around the mountain and up, which is lined by white Sakura trees, that provides some great views of the sea and white and pink Sakura trees at the bottom of Bandake. Half way up one reaches a park area with a big stone monument, again lined by Sakura trees on the outside, with a fantastic view over Ojika and, on a clear day, Nosaki island. To the right, a small path leads down to a huge water basin and another park area. Taking that path, we passed the most beautiful white Sakura tree in full bloom, where we stopped by to take some pictures. Finally, we reached some pink Sakura trees down at the water basin. On our way back to town we decided to pop into the island cafe called `tan tan`, to finish Hanami with a frappe, some cookies, muffins, pudding and a game of ´daifugo´.

(white Sakura trees line the street up to Bandake)

(Alice is enjoying the flowers)

(two happy kids in a Sakura tree)

(pink Sakura)

A few days later I felt like drawing some flowers, so I decided to go to one of my favourite spots on the island when it comes to enjoying the Sakura: the park on top of the mountain on Madorajima.
To get there, I highly recommend taking the e-bike from Goen, since the road leading up to the park is quite steep and long. But once you make it up there, you will be rewarded by the most amazing view and some beautiful white Sakura trees. I find the flowers in this park to especially smell very nice too. If you want to see some early Sakura, this is the place to go. The trees start blooming fully earlier than in other spots on the island since they get many hours of sun on top of that mountain.

(view from the park on madorajima)

(filled white Sakura)

I also went for a stroll to Kuroshima, only twenty minutes on foot from the Island Inn. There is a park with a tower and a shrine on top of Kuroshima which is a great spot for Hanami. The steps with the stone tori which lead up to this spot are especially picturesque as they are lined by some old Sakura trees whose branches form a roof over them. On top and around the park lawn you will find more old Sakura trees, which you can even see from the dining room of Goen.

(the stairs leading up to the tower and park)

(view from the tower)

(shrine on kuroshima)

(filled pink Sakura)

(the lawn in the park, surrounded by Sakura trees)

Lastly I want to suggest you to go to see the Sakura street, the street leading to the Ojika airport. We went there by bike for Hanami and all agreed that this is the most impressive place to see Sakura on Ojika! The street is quite long and old Sakura trees are forming a tunnel over it. Such a lovely place!
I am glad that I am seeing my first Sakura in Japan on Ojika, since the places are never crowded so you can relax under the trees and take as many pictures without people in it as you like!

(the Sakura street on Ojika)

(Hanami with a lot of great snacks. Our favourite: the candied beans)


A Magical Matsuri Experience on Ojika Island

If it wasn't enough of a beautiful adventure to emerge off a ferry at 4:30 AM, on a tiny Japanese island called Ojika (a member o...